Our 3D print pricing calculator helps you estimate the cost of your 3D printing projects. By inputting material costs, print time, and other factors, you can get a detailed breakdown of expenses and recommended selling prices.
Electricity Costs for 3D Printing: The electricity cost of 3D printing depends on your printer model, print settings, and local electricity rates. However, to give you a general idea, typical 3D printers consume between 50 watts and 600 watts while printing (Source: Raise3D - 3D Printing Cost: How Much Does A 3D Printer Cost?).
Assuming an average electricity rate of $0.15 per kWh in the US and £0.12 per kWh in the UK (source: Energy Information Administration for US and Office for National Statistics for UK - average rates may vary depending on your location), the estimated electricity cost per hour of printing could range from:
US: $0.0075 to $0.09 per hour
UK: £0.0072 to £0.072 per hour
Important Note: This is just an estimate. The actual cost can be higher or lower depending on the factors mentioned earlier. To get a more accurate calculation for your specific situation, consider your printer's power consumption specifications, chosen print settings, and local electricity rates.