About the 3D Print Pricing Calculator

    Our 3D print pricing calculator helps you estimate the cost of your 3D printing projects. By inputting material costs, print time, and other factors, you can get a detailed breakdown of expenses and recommended selling prices.

    How This Calculator Works

    1. User Input: You enter the material cost, print time (days, hours, minutes), electricity cost per hour, post-processing time, your hourly rate, profit margin percentage, and store cut percentage.
    2. Calculations: The calculator calculates the total print time in hours, electricity cost for printing, post-processing cost based on your hourly rate, and total cost (material + electricity + post-processing).
    3. Profit & Store Cut: It then calculates the desired profit amount based on the profit margin and the store cut amount based on the store cut percentage.
    4. Recommended Price: Finally, it adds the total cost, profit amount, and store cut amount to determine the recommended selling price for your 3D print project.
    5. Output: The calculator displays the total cost and the recommended selling price on the page.

    Electricity Costs

    Electricity Costs for 3D Printing: The electricity cost of 3D printing depends on your printer model, print settings, and local electricity rates. However, to give you a general idea, typical 3D printers consume between 50 watts and 600 watts while printing (Source: Raise3D - 3D Printing Cost: How Much Does A 3D Printer Cost?).

    Assuming an average electricity rate of $0.15 per kWh in the US and £0.12 per kWh in the UK (source: Energy Information Administration for US and Office for National Statistics for UK - average rates may vary depending on your location), the estimated electricity cost per hour of printing could range from:

    US: $0.0075 to $0.09 per hour
    UK: £0.0072 to £0.072 per hour

    Important Note: This is just an estimate. The actual cost can be higher or lower depending on the factors mentioned earlier. To get a more accurate calculation for your specific situation, consider your printer's power consumption specifications, chosen print settings, and local electricity rates.